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The SAF Series consists of automatic irrigation water filters that are sophisticated yet easy-to-operate, with a self-cleaning mechanism driven by an electric motor. Amiad-SAF-3000 cylinder 80 micron-240x665mm for Spare parts at Hortispares 10 000 spare parts for horticulture Worldwide delivery Directly available from stock Amiad’s “SAF” product-line consists of the following models: SAF 1500 for up to 80 m³/h (350 gpm) SAF 3000 for up to 150 m³/h (660 gpm) SAF 4500 for up to 250 m³/h (1,100 gpm) SAF 6000 for up to 400 m³/h (1,760 gpm) Features: Amiad-SAF-3000 cylinder 80 micron-240x665mm by Royal Brinkman 30 000 products for horticulture Worldwide delivery Request a quote easily Personal advice from our specialists W A T E R S Y S T E M S 910101-000195/03.2013 America o Amiad Water Systems Europe SAS, Ilot No4 ZI La Boitardière, 37530 Chargé, France, Tel: 33 (0) 2 47 23 01 10, Fax: 33 (0) 2 47 23 80 67, E-mail: info Germany AMIAD. 5 in Stainless Steel Filter Screen with 17.00 sq in Screen Area, Yellow. Item # 1PHP7; Mfr. Model # 700101-000299 Catalog Page # 2896 View Product Details. Web Price Amiad's success is due, in great measure, to its timely introduction of key products, its prudent investment in staff education and production equipment, its commitment to the principles of R&D, the accumulated expertise born of long experience -- and most importantly, its dedication to its customers.

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SAF-6000. Максимальная производительность с  23 Sep 2020 to see how fast and easy the Orion pump station filter transforms from a VAF V- 500 – to a Filtomat – to an Amiad SAF-3000 – to no filter at all. アミアド AMIAD、自動洗浄フィルター、オートストレーナ、自動ストレーナ、 品名. 自動洗浄フィルター. 型式. SAF-1500.

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SAF-3000. 38. Automatic Filters. Descrição. Fabricante: AMIAD Modelo: SAF-3000. Cor: Vermelho conforme fotos que são reais. Voltagem: 440V AC 3PH 50Hz Medidas: 204 x 43 x 48 em cm 18 Nov 2015 Amiad SAF 3000 Screen Filter, current model still supplied by Amiad, low use, very good condition, operating unit, stainless steel attachments,  Related Content from Amiad Water Systems.

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Web Price Amiad's success is due, in great measure, to its timely introduction of key products, its prudent investment in staff education and production equipment, its commitment to the principles of R&D, the accumulated expertise born of long experience -- and most importantly, its dedication to its customers. Amiad SAF itsepuhdistuvat automaattisuodattimet ovat teknisesti edistyneitä ja toimintavarmoja suodattimia, jotka soveltuvat laajalti erilaisiin käyttökohteisiin, myös huonolaatuiselle vedelle. SAF automaattisuodattimien toiminta perustuu hienosuodatinelementin puhdistukseen vastavirtahuuhtelun ja imusuuttimien avulla. Suodattimen puhdistus käynnistyy joko paine-erosta tai ajastimella The Amiad SAF Series are sophisticated, yet easy-to-operate, automatic filters, with a self-cleaning mechanism driven by an electric motor.

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SAF-1500. SAF-3000. SAF-4500. SAF-6000.

Flöde Möjliga filtreringsgrader Spolvatten Minsta drifttryck

0 0 SAF 1500 SAF 3000 Amiad Series. ABF 10000 EBS 10000 EBS 15000 Mega EBS TAF-750 ABF 6000 Mega ABF. Automatic Self Cleaning Spin Klin® Disc Filters Spin klin 2” compact all plastic Spin klin 2” Compact air aided flushing Spin klin 2” plastic battery Arkal Series Amiad 6" SAF-4500 C/ST RED POLYESTER ISO16 FIL , WEAVEW.ST316 4500SQ.CM S100MIC F/SAF4500, CONTROL PARTS SAF 3000 PRO HP 16 BAR 380, C.B TYPE-C 3~ 220/440V FOR SAF Quotation SAF 3000 DW[1] [2] 3" - 6" CLD 23: MLTPL: SAF 4500 DW[1] [2] 4" - 8" CLD 23: MLTPL: SAF 6000 DW[1] [2] 6" - 10" CLD 23: MLTPL [1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 300,000 liters. [2] These products have filtration levels of 10-800 microns. [3] Certified products are evaluated as POE systems.

Easy online ordering for the ones who get it done along with 24/7 customer service, free technical support & more. SAF 1500 SAF 3000 Amiad Series. ABF 10000 EBS 10000 EBS 15000 Mega EBS TAF-750 ABF 6000 Mega ABF. Automatic Self Cleaning Spin Klin® Disc Filters Title: Products Overview Created Date: 5/26/2003 7:48:06 AM Amiad Filter Parts Spare parts & replacement elements supply. Servicing & maintenance. Whether you require spare parts to fix an existing Amiad filter, or a replacement screen / disc set to change the filtration degree, we are here to help you. If you require a service, or repair we will be happy to provide a quotation to carry out the work. SAF Filters es un producto o servicio de Amiad Water Systems en Santiago.