Curriculum Vitae


Finished thesis projects Biomedical Engineering

2017-02-09 1997-09-01 This work investigates the application of spatial filtering based on principal component analysis (PCA) to detect ERP due to left-hand index finger movement imagination. The EEG signals were recorded of central derivations (C4, C2, Cz, C1 and C3), positioned according to 10-10 International System. The supFunSim library is a new Matlab toolbox which generates accurate EEG forward models and implements a collection of spatial filters for EEG source reconstruction, including linearly Bayesian learning for spatial filtering in an EEG-based brain-computer interface. Zhang H, Yang H, Guan C. Spatial filtering for EEG feature extraction and classification is an … 2012-07-18 results in EEG changes located at contra- and ipsilateral central areas. We demonstrate that spatial filters for multichannel EEG effectively extract discriminatory information from two popula-tions of single-trial EEG, recorded during left- and right-hand movement imagery. The best classification results for three subjects are 90.8%, 92.7%, and 99.7%. Spectral analysis after spatial filtering of SCS‐related EEG activity revealed distinct and common changes in brain oscillations tonic, burst, and high‐frequency modes of SCS. Spectral differences in various frequency bands with respect to modes of SCS have been reported before by a study contrasting an OFF condition with tonic and high‐dose SCS ( 10 ).

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2016-01-19 The electroencephalogram (EEG) is recorded by sensors physically separated from the cortex by resistive skull tissue that smooths the potential field recorded at the scalp. This smoothing acts as a low-pass spatial filter that determines the spatial bandwidth, and thus the required spatial sampling density, of the scalp EEG. 2017-02-09 · Spatial filters have been widely used to increase the signal-to-noise ratio of EEG for BCI classification problems, but their applications in BCI regression problems have been very limited. This paper proposes two common spatial pattern (CSP) filters for EEG-based regression problems in BCI, which are extended from the CSP filter for classification, by making use of fuzzy sets. This work investigates the application of spatial filtering based on principal component analysis (PCA) to detect ERP due to left-hand index finger movement imagination. The EEG signals were recorded of central derivations (C4, C2, Cz, C1 and C3), positioned according to 10-10 International System.

Akut internmedicin - Janusinfo

Previous studies used spatial and spatio-temporal filtering methods to. Common spatial pattern (CSP) is a mathematical procedure used in signal processing for It can also be used to separate artifacts from EEG signals.

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Spatial filtering eeg

This paper compares and adapts spatial filtering methods for periodicity maximization to enhance the SNR of periodic EEG responses, a key condition to generalize their use as a research or clinical tool. away from the EEG patterns representing other tasks. E. Spatial filters The current study faces the problem of spatially filtering the EEG signal using a small number of electrodes. The spatial frequency is the variation in the scalp potential field over distance. The selection of only eight electrodes impairs the EEG accuracy due to the spatial Three independent components analysis (ICA) algorithms (Infomax, FastICA and SOBI) have been compared with other preprocessing methods in order to find out whether and to which extent spatial filtering of EEG data can improve single trial classification accuracy.

Spatial filtering eeg

Direct Two-Dimensional Access to the Spatial Location of Covert Attention in  Rättelse till kommissionens direktiv (EU) 2019/1834 av den 24 oktober 2019 om ändring av bilagorna 2 och 4 till rådets direktiv 92/29/EEG vad gäller rent  Through Diffusion-Adapted Spatial Filtering2020Ingår i: ISBI 2020: IEEE International Elimination of ECG Artefacts in Foetal EEG Using Ensemble Average  Decoding of Imaginary Motor Movements of Fists Applying Spatial Filtering in Software for EEG Focal Epileptic Source Localization -- Weighted Filtering for  (EEG in the brain, but cell death or other degenerative changes could not be detected. "Infrasonic wind-noise reduction by barriers and spatial filters." J Acoust. at the start of the pre-competition phase: CSF (coated soot filter) = catalytic, coated development into a broader spatial context and stimulates synergies between överskrida de utsläppsgränser som fastställts i rådets direktiv 70/220/EEG av  av T Hörberg · 2020 · Citerat av 4 — Data was sampled at 2048 Hz with a hardware low-pass filter at 410 Hz but The raw EEG data was down sampled to 512 Hz and band-pass filtered Spatial coincidence modulates the Colavita visual dominance effect. av S Cremona · 2015 — decoding, classification, electroencephalography, EEG till en låg spatial upplösning till skillnad från fMRI som har en hög spatial upplösning med Ett högpassfilter applicerades på datasetet (0.1 Hz) och datan segmenterades i mindre. Diffusion-adapted spatial filtering of fMRI data for improved activation Localization of Brain Activity in Electroencephalography Data during  *$&is 0or4 &as 9een supported 9S grants VroY t&e a0edis& eeg searc& Council Vor By using filtering in the spatial domain, an antenna array can separate  1 AND 6 AND Filters activated: Systematic Reviews, Publication date from 2005/01/01 följande domäner: kognitiv-, verbal-, spatial- och exekutiv förmåga; Cichocki A, Shishkin SL, Musha T, Leonowicz Z, Asada T, Kurachi T. EEG filtering. Arbetsmiljöverket har i enlighet med gällande EU-direktiv (EU 89/654/EEG) ett Synskärpa (spatial upplösningsförmåga) definieras som ögats förmåga att se två specialanpassad belysning, olika former av filter och kontrasthöjande  Advanced Signal Processing On Brain Event-related Potentials: Filtering Erps In Time, of underlying brain activities is based on the ordinarily averaged EEG. single trials can overlap with each other in time, frequency and spatial domains. Parts I-IV treat methods for feature extraction and clustering of EEG spikes, occurring seizures, and part V presents a method for filtering seizure onset EEG signals.
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Spatial filtering eeg

pp.1-6. �hal-01655755v1� T IKHONOV REGULARIZATION ENHANCES EEG-B ASED SPATIAL FILTERING Spatial Filtering of EEG Signals to Identify Periodic Brain Activity Patterns . This paper compares and adapts spatial filtering methods for periodicity maximization to enhance the SNR of periodic EEG responses, a key condition to generalize their use as a research or clinical tool.

Winneke, A., Schulte, M., Vormann,  av MR Al-Mulla · 2011 · Citerat av 240 — The EMG signal is a complex and noisy signal, which generally should be filtered. [196] found a new method, using spatial time-frequency distributions, and to measure alertness using physiological signals (sEMG, EEG).
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Neuro Flashcards

Hybrid neonatal EEG seizure detection algorithms achieve the benchmark of visual Electrocardiography using Inertial Measurement Units and Kalman Filtering ISLES (SISS) Challenge 2015: Segmentation of Stroke Lesions Using Spatial  Används för att öka eller minska dopplerhögtalarvolymen (0-10). Wall Filter. (väggfilter) bilaga VII i direktiv 93/42/EEG. Utrustning av Systemet överskrider inte ett ISPTA-värde (spatial peak temporal average intensity) på 720 mW/ cm2 för  Sex differences in spatial abilities Assessing filter bubbles in search: Critical survey of approaches and methods EEG Responses to Shamanic Drumming: Does the Suggestion of Trance State Moderate the Strength of Frequency  hö: spatial, mentala bilder, musikalitet, negativa känslor eeg.

Vetenskapligt underlag till Socialstyrelsens nationella - SBU

Abstract: The development of an electroencephalograph (EEG)-based brain-computer interface (BCI) requires rapid and reliable discrimination of EEG patterns, e.g., associated with imaginary movement. One-sided hand movement imagination results in EEG changes located at contra- and ipsilateral central areas.

av R Zetter · 2016 — EEG electroencephalography. EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential. FEM applied for MEG (and EEG), spatial filters are designed as to pass signal related to. estimation of ERP components from multicondition and multichannel EEG. W Wu Extraction of mismatch negativity using a resampling-based spatial filtering  EEG recordings; EEG signal processing; transfer learning algorithms in BCI; convolutional neural networks for event-related potential detection; spatial filtering  Evolutionary optimization of classifiers and features for single trial EEG Filter approaches were implemented as well by limiting the degree of optimization. provides insight into the spatial characteristics of finger movement EEG patterns. av PM Eimon · Citerat av 31 — used to perform blind spatial filtering from multi-channel EEG recordings; however, single-channel ICA can similarly be used to perform blind temporal filtering  av O Wilhelmsson · 2015 — McFarland, D.J. et al., 1997.