Web-OPAC Institute of Chinese Studies, University of


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Spela upp. With an army of devoted followers, Mao Zedong comes  First of four episodes describing the unfolding and aftermath of the Great Leap Forward, Mao's economic plan that led to one of the greatest. China in Space: The Great Leap Forward (Springer Praxis Books) eBook: Harvey, Brian: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store. Imagine that Kafka, Borges and Wittgenstein, after binging on Fu Manchu novels and the Illuminatus trilogy, all sat down to write a spy thriller, with a little help  Pris: 1159 kr. Inbunden, 2013.

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Review the major components of this initiative, including mass mobilization of rural wo 2020-12-03 From 1960–1962, an estimated thirty million people died of starvation in China, more than any other single famine in recorded human history. Most tragically, this disaster was largely preventable. The ironically titled Great Leap Forward was supposed to be the spectacular culmination of Mao Zedong’s program for transforming China into a Communist paradise. In 1958, […] Heroes of China's Great Leap Forward Book Description: The objective of the Great Leap, when it was launched in the late 1950s, was to catapult China into the ranks of the great military and industrial powers with no assistance from the outside world; it resulted in a … The commune is like a gigantic dragon, production is visibly awe-inspiring, 1959 As a result of the successful economic reconstruction that had taken place in the early 1950s under the First Five Year Plan, the Party leadership headed by Mao Zedong considered the conditions ripe for a Great Leap Forward (大跃进, Dayuejin) in early 1958.

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Mao wanted China to become a leading industrial power, and to accomplish his goals he and his colleagues pushed for the construction of steel plants across the country. A Great Leap Forward: 1930s Depression and U.S. Economic Growth (Yale Series in Economic and Financial History) [Field Ph.D., Alexander J.] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. In May of 1958, the People's Republic of China launched The Great Leap Forward, an effort by the country's leaders to transform China into a military superpower in just five years.

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Great leap forward

WALD_Gaming. Highlight: A great Svenska translation of leap - Translations, examples and discussions from a great leap forward · ake the leap · as well as a major encouragement to take the  A great leap forward of English National Ballet under the leadership of Tamara Rojo. Since its establishment in 1950, English National Ballet (ENB) has brought  The Great Leap Forward var ett tryck från Mao Zedong att ändra Kina från ett övervägande jordbrukarsamhälle till ett modernt industrisamhälle  “I have taken a huge leap forward in my career by switching to true 4WD rally cars. Our strong team and important partners have offered us a great career  The Great Leap Forward var ett tryck av Mao Zedong att förändra Kina från ett övervägande jordbrukssamhälle till ett modernt industrisamhälle på bara fem år. Billy Bragg/ Waiting For A Great Leap Forward/1988. Frågan är given på förhand.

Great leap forward

Author. Michael Schoenhals. Publishing year. 1987. Language. StartForskningsoutput Saltationist Socialism: Mao Zedong and the Great Leap Forwar Saltationist Socialism: Mao Zedong and the Great Leap Forward 1958.
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Great leap forward

In 1958, […] Heroes of China's Great Leap Forward Book Description: The objective of the Great Leap, when it was launched in the late 1950s, was to catapult China into the ranks of the great military and industrial powers with no assistance from the outside world; it resulted in a … The commune is like a gigantic dragon, production is visibly awe-inspiring, 1959 As a result of the successful economic reconstruction that had taken place in the early 1950s under the First Five Year Plan, the Party leadership headed by Mao Zedong considered the conditions ripe for a Great Leap Forward (大跃进, Dayuejin) in early 1958. The Great Leap was not merely a bold economic project.

A Great Leap Forward propaganda painting on the wall of a rural house in Shanghai.
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From 1958 to 1962, his Great Leap Forward policy led to the deaths of up to 45 million  The Great Leap Forward disaster, characterized by a collapse in grain production and a widespread famine in China between 1959 and 1961, is found  idea of the Great Leap Forward ca retreat from the FFYP, or as it wer period of Mao's search for a new so tion," China went through curious t abroad. It blew hot   Many translated example sentences containing "made a huge leap forward" – Dutch-English dictionary and search engine for Dutch translations. Great Leap era cartoon art. China, the other from a major metropolis, say about the not-so-distant past following on from the disastrous Great Leap Forward. The leftists also argued that the Great Leap Forward would help to alleviate the growing urban unemployment problem (inherited from the Nationalist government,  In the aftermath of the famine in 1962, Mao Zedong took formal responsibility for the failure of the Great Leap Forward in the name of the central government. The Great Leap Forward began in 1958 and ended in 1988.

Svenska Engelska översättning av Great Leap Forward - Ordbok

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Den trettonde. Barnen har fortfarande sommarlov, men det börjar  Streamaren har angett att videon riktar sig till äldre tittare. Börja titta. WALD_Gaming. Highlight: A great Svenska translation of leap - Translations, examples and discussions from a great leap forward · ake the leap · as well as a major encouragement to take the  A great leap forward of English National Ballet under the leadership of Tamara Rojo.