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Analyzing the competitive potential of every new Pokémon in Sword

Earth Power: Nice power, stab, chance for lowering target's Sp. Def Gastrodon (West Sea) is a Water & Ground Pokémon which evolves from Shellos. It is vulnerable to Grass moves. Gastrodon's strongest moveset is Mud-Slap & Earthquake and it has a Max CP of 2,324. Gastrodon should be used as a check to Rock-, Water-, Electric-, and Poison-types like Lycanroc, Jellicent, non-Hidden Power Grass Lanturn, and Skuntank. It can then force them out and use Toxic on the switch-in, attack, or heal if low on health.

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Earth Power: Nice power, stab, chance for lowering target's Sp. Def Gastrodon (West Sea) is a Water & Ground Pokémon which evolves from Shellos. It is vulnerable to Grass moves. Gastrodon's strongest moveset is Mud-Slap & Earthquake and it has a Max CP of 2,324. Gastrodon should be used as a check to Rock-, Water-, Electric-, and Poison-types like Lycanroc, Jellicent, non-Hidden Power Grass Lanturn, and Skuntank.


The softness of its body helps disperse the force of impacts, so although its body is uncommonly squishy, it’s also surprisingly resilient. [VGC] Gastrodon Moveset - Special Attacker ( 1 Options ) ChaseInfinity Virtual Polygon Moderator. Posts: 2,408 Reputation: 185 PKMN IGN: (Moon) - Chase 3DS FC: 3609 Best moveset (Gastrodon - East Sea) Offense Mud-Slap: 15.4 dps Earthquake Old: 46.7 dps: Defense Mud-Slap: 15.4 dps Earth Power: 33.3 dps: View all Table of Contents.

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Gastrodon moveset

Surf o Escaldar por stab, el segundo es menos potente pero puede quemar. Puedes llevar Recover o un Hidden power determinado.

Gastrodon moveset

1 Locations; 2 Move Set. Jul 30, 2019 Could someone give me some good movesets for these pokemon: Hydreigon Alolan Ninetails Eelektross Drapion Empoleon Gastrodon. Jun 20, 2019 However, searching for the perfect member for the sixth spot took up quite some time.
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Gastrodon moveset

Surf o Escaldar por stab, el segundo es menos potente pero puede quemar. Puedes llevar Recover o un Hidden power determinado. Hp grass para Seismitoad u otros Gastrodon o Hp Electric para Gyarados, según la tier que juegues. Pokémon Shield: Location Method Weather Rarity Level Route 9 - Circhester Bay: Random: All Weather: 30% 39 - 43: Route 9: Overworld: All Weather Gastrodon(JPJapanese: トリトドンRomaji: Tritodon) is a species of Pokémon in the series of the same name introduced in the fourth generation.

4. Gastrodon (East Sea) is a Water & Ground Pokémon which evolves from Shellos. It is vulnerable to Grass moves. Gastrodon's strongest moveset is Mud-Slap & Earthquake and it has a Max CP of 2,324.
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Analyzing the competitive potential of every new Pokémon in Sword

Ability: Storm Drain. Level: 50. EVs: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84  May 12, 2015 [VGC] Gastrodon Moveset - Tank (Special) Scald was chosen here because Gastrodon doesn't necessarily need a huge amount of power,  Gastrodon (トリトドン) is the 61st Pokémon in the Sinnoh Pokédex. Gastrodon, like Shellos, has two different forms, the East Sea and West Sea forms. [bmt]moveset for gastrodon(can gastrodon beat wobbuffet) - last post by @ Sep 18,&nbs Pokemon GO Gastrodon Stats | Max CP | Moves | Spawn Locations | Evolution Requirements | Weaknesses and Pokemon Counters. Generation 4 Pokemon. Answers to Gastrodon questions.

How GOOD was Gastrodon ACTUALLY? - History of Gastrodon in

2021-02-16 · A black abbreviation in a colored box indicates that Gastrodon can be tutored the move in that game; A colored abbreviation in a white box indicates that Gastrodon cannot be tutored the move in that game; Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Gastrodon; Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Gastrodon Gastrodon is an interesting candidate for Great League, and takes advantage of its typing to avoid vulnerabilities to everything except Grass. A high stamina stat gives Gastrodon good bulk, and a wild card Hidden Power moveset can possibly catch opponents by surprise. Gastrodon learns the following moves via breeding in Pokémon Sun & Moon. Details and compatible parents can be found on the Gastrodon egg moves page.

Body Slam is Gastrodon's cheapest charge move energy-wise and can be used to bait shields and apply pressure.