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Burt also drops hints about a project he's currently working on. Catch new music from Tre Burt's DIY debut album, 'Caught It From Tthe Rye' on the Independent 88.5 FM. Tre Burt Instagram @ treburt Under The Devil's Knee, released 22 September 2020 Under the devil's knee oh lord, I'm under the devil's knee screamin' I cannot breathe oh lord, from under the devil's knee When George Floyd was a young boy in a project called The … 2020-03-03 Listen to music from Tre Burt like Real You, Caught It from the Rye & more.

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Listen to Caught It from the Rye on Spotify. Tré Burt · Album · 2020 · 9 songs. Listen to Real You on Spotify. Tré Burt · Single · 2020 · 1 songs.

How to Learn Swedish from Scratch: 3 Steps (with Pictures) Stockholm, Svenska. Kolla in låten Born In San Antone från 2016 på Spotify/YouTube och bli överkörd!