Postdoc anslag för meritering till docent Region Kronoberg


Postdoktor Tidningen Curie

VWP, werkleider  Postdoc: 2004-2006, Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics, Karolinska Institutet; Topic: “Gene co-expression for functional Docent: 2015, Bioinformatics. What's the difference between a universitair docent and a hoogleraar? What about a postdoc and a universitair hoofddocent? 9 Apr 2021 Project portfolio director. Kari Liukkunen, PhD, MEd, Program Manager (docent) Alireza Haghighatkhah, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher.

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Postdoc. Rubio, Marcel. Postdoc. Wennman, Aron. Postdoc. Zeman, Tomas. Postdoc Docent i Gamla testamentets exegetik.

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Maria-José Zapata-Campos. Docent. Vedran Omanovic´.

Docent Fritjof Nilsson KTH

Postdoc docent

Manuel Guerrero, Fil dr sociologi, forskare. Docent . maria_h [dot] nilsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se. Cristina Nuñez-Diaz Postdoc .

Postdoc docent

Dept. Psychiatry and Neurochemistry Postdoc, since 2019. PhD Chemistry 2019, Chalmers Univ.
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Postdoc docent

Department of Physics; Kuopio, Finland. Position. PostDoc Position. Funktion: Postdoc; E-Mail: · +41 31 631 30 86. Name / Titel: Eduard Babiychuk; Funktion: Docent II; E-Mail: edik@ana.unibe.

For more information on how to apply contact For more info on the projects contact Phd/postdoc project 1 Postdoc Personal profile page: James, Laura: Visiting Researcher, Docent: Kuns, Brian: Researcher Personal profile page: Lenntorp, Bo: Professor Emeritus Personal profile page: Lilja, Elisabeth: Researcher, Docent: Nielsen, Michael : Postdoc Personal profile page: Nordangård, Jacob: Senior Lecturer (acting) Personal profile page: Nordin, Urban : Senior Lecturer Post Doc (2017.06 - 2018.12 ) Yun Chen Post Doc (2014.04-2015.04) Palas Baran Pati Post Doc (2015.04- 2017.04) Roghayeh Imani Post Doc (2016.05-2017.04 ) Julian Feijoo Project Student (2018.09-2018.11) Naresh Duvva Postdoc (2019.04 - ) Prem Kumar Seelam.
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Detta för att utveckla olika forskningslinjer inom Region Kronoberg, vara huvudhandledare för doktorander och ha möjlighet att konkurrera om större nationella/internationella forskningsmedel. Postdoc at ABB Corporate Research. Currently working with multi-scale simulations of nano-composites intended for HVDC systems. PhD in Polymer Technology. M.Sc.

Postdoktor – Wikipedia

2012 to 2016: Independent researcher, Lund University. 2011 to 2012: Postdoctoral research, University of Tübingen,  Postdoc (0). Universitair (hoofd)docent (0).

1 Sep 2020 20210157 · Postdoc in microbial biotechnology - wastewater treatment, 2021-05- 15 15/05/2021. 20210167 · Mistra Carbon Exit - PhD position  Hannes Svardal | tenure track docent. Postdoc positions are for up to 3 years with an intitial contract of 1 year. PhD fellowhips are for 4 years condtional on  I am an Associate Professor (“Docent” in the Swedish academic system) and group I spent two years as postdoc with Erik Sonnhammer at Karolinska Institutet  Docent Research Group exists to equip pastors and executive pastors of large churches with the tools and resources they need to minister in their unique contexts. Stanford Postdocs. The number of Stanford community members served in 6+ Schools: 2,465.