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Occupational pension – definitions. An occupational pension scheme is a retirement savings plan provided by an employer for its employees. Staff who are members of a company pension plan benefit from a favourable income tax and national insurance (NI) break on contributions. What is an occupational pension? An occupational pension is a pension scheme provided by your employer.

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There are two main types of occupational pensions, but their goal is the same: to build up a fund of money, grow the fund, and use it An occupational pension is one that is provided by an employer. They are also known as company or employers’ pension plans. Occupational pension schemes provide a regular income after retirement. Some also provide a lump sum payment on retirement. Types of occupational pensions An occupational pension is a pension scheme provided by your employer. There are many different types. An occupational pension is paid on top of your state pension and the contributions you pay to an occupational pension scheme are separate from and on top of the national insurance contributions you pay for the state pension.


You benefit is the total of the defined benefit and defined contribution portion of two tracks: clinical designed to improve your health and vocational to help you in Under the Traditional Pension Plan, your loved ones may qualify Pensions and tax relief. There are other benefits to providing an occupational pension scheme.

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Occupational pension scheme meaning

a pension scheme provided for the members of a particular occupation or by a specific employer or group of employers. 2. a pension derived from such a scheme. Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. As the name suggests, occupational pension schemes are set up by an employer (known as a sponsoring employer) to provide benefits for or in respect of: its own employees employees of any other A pension created by an employer for the benefit of an employee is commonly referred to as an occupational or employer pension. Labor unions, the government, or other organizations may also fund pensions.

Occupational pension scheme meaning

Occupational pension scheme.
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Occupational pension scheme meaning

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PENSION SCHEME - Translation in Swedish -

Labor unions, the government, or other organizations may also fund pensions.

TJÄNSTEPENSION - Translation in English -

1. a pension scheme provided for the members of a particular occupation or by a specific employer or group of employers.

Scheme assets are held by the trustees of the trust for the benefit of the scheme members. From 6th April 2006, all registered pension schemes must have a registered scheme administrator. This role is usually taken on by the scheme trustees unless otherwise In this article, we look at what has changed and what those changes mean for the employers and trustees of occupational pension schemes.