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Till statsrådet och chefen för Arbetsmarknadsdepartementet

Hon menade att Knijn och Kremer (43) utgår från Wærness Fraser N. After the family wage: Gender equity and the welfare state. Fast J, Williamson D, Keating N. The Hidden Costs of Informal Elder Care. av S Eldén · Citerat av 4 — pelvis i Waerness (1984: 211) distinktion mellan omsorg Samtidigt görs omsorg alltid i en social och Welfare State: From Different to Similar, i: Fass, friendship: Hidden solidarities today. Waerness, Kari (1984): The rationality of caring,. av E Skærbæk · 2002 · Citerat av 7 — Since Norway seems to follow the United States with increasingly shorter delay, the social systems sustaining inequality: 1. paid work, 2. the household 3.

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Hun ble blant annet kritisert av Rune Slagstad for sin bruk av rasjonalitetsbegrepet. Kari Wærness. Four ‘Pseudo-democracy and spurious precision’: knowledge dilemmas in the new welfare state Eithne McLaughlin. Dilemmas of Care in the Nordic Welfare State.

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‘The East Asian welfare state: peripatetic learning, adaptive changes and nation-building,’ in Gøsta Esping-Andersen (ed.), Welfare States in Transition: National Adaptations in Global Economies, London: Sage Publications. rasjonalitet slik Kari Wærness har utviklet det fra tidlig på 80-tallet (Wærness 1984). Begrepet har vært og er et viktig analytisk redskap for å arbeide forsk-ningsmessig med moderniseringen av omsorgsfeltet.


Kari wærness the invisible welfare state

with Smith's invisible hand metaphor provides a seemingly-powerful pro-market modeling a complex coevolution of individuals within a simultaneous system of s 9. feb 2020 En antologi om utfordringer i velferdsstaten—Tilegnet Kari Wærness (s. 241–269 ). An anthology about challenges in the welfare state—dedicated to Kari Wœrness (pp. 241–269). The hidden and forgotten evidence.

Kari wærness the invisible welfare state

Dilemmas of Care in the Nordic Welfare State.
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Kari wærness the invisible welfare state

[city: Oslo ] : : Ad Notam. . 1 Thanks to Ole Petter Askheim, Jan Andersen and the referees of the journal for valuable comments on earlier versions of this article. Kari Waerness. In the context of a well-developed Scandinavian welfare state, many political feminists and feminist researchers found it necessary to develop new perspectives in research on care En antologi om utfordringer i velferdsstaten—Tilegnet Kari Wærness (s.

1 Thanks to Ole Petter Askheim, Jan Andersen and the referees of the journal for valuable comments on earlier versions of this article. Women’s New Social Role: Contradictions of the Welfare State Anne Showstack Sassoon Part 2: Inside and Outside the Home: Women’s Experience and the Transformation of Public and Private 6.

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"The Invisible Welfare State: Women's Work at Home" by Wærness, Kari (1978) . Abstract Analysing welfare in terms of Allardt's three dimensions – Having, Loving, and Being – women's unpaid work at home seems particularly important for securing the welfare of the children, the sick, and the old on the Loving dimension. Women In The Welfare State: The Case of Formal and Informal Old-Age Care KARI WAERNESS and STEIN RINGEN Women and informal welfare Women are, in some ways, more important for the welfare state than men. They do a larger share of the job; the majority of nurses, social workers, home helpers, teachers, and other welfare state professionals are women.

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Oct 2, 2008 She explains:By situating an analysis of the welfare state not only in terms step backward for women preciselybecause it made their work invisible.

For a long time their voices went mostly unheard in mainstream Kari Wærness A variety of meanings is attached to the concept 'community care' and, as an ideology, it may function as a legitimation for very different social policies. (Kari Waerness), Finland (Leila Simonen and Anne Kovalainen) and Sweden (Marta Szebehely). The book opens with an insightful introduction by Jane Lewis and Mary Daly, ‘Conceptualising Social Care in the Context of Welfare State Restructuring’. They elaborate the … 7 Women in the Welfare State: The Case of Formal and Informal Old-Age Care. Kari Waerness & Stein Ringen. Pages: 161-173. Published online: 18 Nov 2016.