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It employs a geomagnetic 3-axis Hall effect sensor to measure changes in the position of a magnetic field generated by an electromagnet. HPA axis and disease-specific immune response, and the proinflammatory effect of HPA axis hormones have been suggested as additional hypotheses (8). HPA AXIS EXPRESSION IN THE SKIN The skin senses the environment and reacts immediately against various Stressors to restore tissue homeostasis. Stress influences the immune response by altering HPA 2009-12-27 · Big Pharma Companies Hate This Hello, my name is Ken Drew In this short and controversial health exposé, I’m going reveal the one amazing little secret, long suppressed by Big Pharma, that will bulletproof your body against the scary illnesses like Cancer, Heart disease, Diabetes, Alzheimer's, Arthritis and more.and its something that you can do right now in your home. Skin stretch devices (SSDs) that apply tangential force to the skin via a tactor can encode a far richer haptic space, not being limited to force, motion, direction, stiffness, indentation and surface geometry.
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