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Chris Voss () is the Founder and CEO of the Black Swan Group and the author of Never Split The Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It*.Chris was the lead international kidnapping negotiator for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as the FBI’s hostage negotiation representative for the National Security Council’s Hostage Chris Harding Thornton talks about her magnificent debut novel “Pickard County Atlas,” sharing how Shakespeare influenced the book, as well as how themes such as free will or the lack of it play on the lives and actions of the main characters. Thornton also talks about her life and its geographic dislocations and how the craft of writing emerged for her. Recent Live Shows. PCOs, How to Charge a Higher Price Than Your Competition! PCO’s and The Power Of FREE; PCO Marketing Success Guest Interview, Erik Gardner of Volunteer Rid a Pest However, the life coaching industry is not regulated by any governing agency, so don’t be too quick to brush off certification programs that don’t have the ICF accreditation. Do your research to determine which life coach certifications are best for your goals.

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Be inspired and motivated to make changes around daily life, work towards personal and professional growth, reducing stress, entrepreneurship, setting goals, work-life balance, and more. One of the top-ranked self-help podcasts since launching in 2004, The Daily Boost provides (almost) daily motivation for listeners around the world. The Coaching Life Podcast.

Chris is not only a transformational speaker and incredible coach—he is also an author! Lee is the author of the bestselling book Transform Your Life: 10 Principles of Abundance and Prosperity. In his book, Chris shares the life-changing principles of abundance and prosperity that he teaches in his workshops.