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Blymönja. 1314-41-6. Butane n-butane. 106-97-8. Borsyra. 10043-35-. 3.
A Protein Sequenator
Information on this page: Notes; Other data available: In normal butane, or n-butane, the four carbon atoms are joined in a continuous, unbranched chain; in isobutane, or 2-methylpropane, three of the carbon atoms are joined to the fourth by single bonds, resulting in a branched structure. Français: ·(Chimie) Isomère linéaire du butane (CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH3).··(Chimie) (Indénombrable) n-Butane, butane (CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH3).
EG nr 1907/2006, bilaga II WD-40® Specialist® High
(noun) In the study of hydrates, n-butane is an interesting anomaly (Ng and Robinson, 1976).
Related Pages. Synonyms & Trade Names normal-Butane, Butyl hydride, Diethyl, Methylethylmethane [Note: Also see specific listing for Isobutane .] CAS
Looking for the definition of N-BUTANE?
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Butane, either of two colourless, odourless, gaseous hydrocarbons (compounds of carbon and hydrogen), members of the series of paraffinic hydrocarbons. Their chemical formula is C4H10. The compound in which the carbon atoms are linked in a straight chain is denoted normal butane, or n-butane; the n-Butane.
ブタン (butane, 英語発音: [ˈbjuːteɪn] ビューテイン) は、炭化水素の一種で、炭素4個が直鎖状に連なったアルカンである。
(Note: n-butane, n butane and butane are all the same thing as are isobutane and i-butane) The difference between n butane and isobutane (isobutane vs butane) is minimal. The only notable differences are in boiling temperature, vapour pressure and the arrangement of their atoms, even though isobutane and n butane have the same chemical formula: C 4 H 10 . ^ Safety Data Sheet, Material Name: N-Butane (PDF).
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21mm Clip-On Butan Regulator Gas Kit - OLPRO
High Temp. - High Pressures, 31(2):173–186, 1999.doi:10.1068/htrt154. The Automated Topology Builder (ATB) and Repository is intended to facilitate the development of molecular force fields for Molecular Dynamics or Monte Carlo simulations of biomolecular systems. Applications include the study of biomolecule:ligand complexes, free energy calculations, structure-based drug design and refinement of x-ray crystal complexes. 2020-08-24 n-Butane and Isobutane Page i Revision History Original Development Support Document (DSD) posted as final on July 31, 2012. Revised DSD September 14, 2015: (1) the odor-based value was withdrawn because n-butane does not have a pungent, disagreeable odor (TCEQ 2015a).
Kina Köldmedium N-butan R600 Tillverkare, Leverantörer
SÄKERHETSDATABLAD (FÖRORDNING (EG) n° 1907/2006 - REACH) n-butane. 15.2 Kemikaliesäkerhetsbedömning. Inga tillgängliga data. Butane n-butane. 106-97-8. 2.2, 2.6.
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