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Bläckhjärta – Cornelia Funke – Bok Akademibokhandeln

A gorgeous new edition of the first book in Cornelia Funke's internationally celebrated trilogy - magical, thrilling and mesmerising. 'I don't think I've ever read   Корнелия Функе — на странице писателя вы найдёте биографию, список книг и экранизаций, интересные факты из жизни, рецензии читателей и  Cornelia Funke is the New York Times bestselling author of the Inkheart trilogy and a whole host of popular children's novels and picture books. Born in the  With over 20 million books sold, Cornelia Funke is one of the most internationally successful children's and youth authors. Despite her success, she has always  Read reviews and buy Reckless I: The Petrified Flesh - (Mirrorworld) by Cornelia Funke (Paperback) at Target.

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Förlagsny inbunden bok. En bok för alla. 1 uppl. 2019.

Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke - 9781911077855 Book

She is the author of The Thief Lord, Dragon Rider, Inkheart, Inkspell, the Ghosthunters series, When Santa Fell to Earth, and Igraine the Brave. She lives with her family in Los Angeles, California, in a house full of books. Cornelia Funke.

Katalogpost - Biblioteken i Karlskrona

Cornelia funke

Cornelia Funke. 185 gillar. Cornelia Funke har med stora framgångar gett ut över 60 böcker i hemlandet Tyskland. Hon har också slagit igenom stort i bl. a. USA och Storbritannien. Den här sidan är 2019-04-19 Cornelia Funke was born to Karl-Heinz Funke and Helmi Funke on 10 December, 1958.

Cornelia funke

Blekkdød (Heftet) av forfatter Cornelia Funke. The official website of bestselling author Cornelia Funke, where you will find all the latest news and much more about Cornelia and her books, including the MirrorWorld series, the Inkheart trilogy, Dragon Rider, The Thief Lord, and, and, and Cornelia Funke was born in 1958 in the town of Dorsten in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany to Karl-Heinz and Helmi Funke. As a child, she wanted to become an astronaut or a pilot, but ultimately decided to study pedagogy at the University of Hamburg. After finishing her studies, Funke worked for three years as a social worker. Cornelia Funke is one of today's most beloved writers of magical stories for children. She is the author of The Thief Lord, Dragon Rider, Inkheart, Inkspell, the Ghosthunters series, When Santa Fell to Earth, and Igraine the Brave. She lives with her family in Los Angeles, California, in a house full of books.
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Cornelia funke

Sedan  13 sep. 2010 — RECENSION.

Amongst her best known books is the Inkheart trilogy. Many of Cornelia's titles are published all over the world and translated into more than 30 languages. Cornelia Funke was born on December 10, 1958, in Dorsten, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
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USA och Storbritannien. Den här sidan är Cornelia Funke, Writer: Inkheart. Cornelia Funke was born at Dorsten, Westphalia.

spökjägarna - Cornelia Funke - och dagarna går...

Vi har mer enn 10  Cornelia Funkes älskade berättelse om Tom som upptäcker ett spöke i förrådet har fått nya läskiga och roliga bilder av Lotta Geffenblad. Läs om Toms och  Månskensdraken / Cornelia Funke ; illustrationer av Cornelia Funke ; från tyskan av Solveig Rasmussen.

Annette Swoboda (Illustrator),. Solveig Rasmussen (Translator). 3.86 · Rating details · 100 ratings · 21 reviews. Det är natt. Die Wilden Hühner - Fuchsalarm / Cornelia Funke.