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Study - Trade Union Strategies in the EU to address voting for right
T2 - Rationales of belonging as a conceptual framework for the politics and governance of migrants’ rights. AU - Carmel, Emma. AU - Sojka, Bozena. PY - 2020/7/24.
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Köp boken Welfare, Populism and Welfare Chauvinism av Bent Greve (ISBN 9781447350507) hos Adlibris. Alltid bra priser och snabb leverans. | Adlibris Welfare chauvinism is the notion that welfare benefits should be restricted to certain groups, usually to natives (Andersen and Bjørklund 1990; Freeman 2009). 2017-09-08 · Rather, refugee inflows can lead to a rise in electoral support for populist-right parties where traditional welfare states are expansive—the so called ‘welfare chauvinism’ argument, wherein natives already dependent on high levels of social welfare are likely to see refugees as interlopers who free-ride on welfare and thereby threaten the welfare of locals. hand, the concept identifies chauvinism as a key aspect aimed at ensuring the survival of the welfare state: the exclusion of migrants from welfare provi-sion, which is regarded as a proprietary right of the native ethnic majority (de Koster et al., 2013: 6; Mudde, 2007: 47). The interest here is to examine how welfare chauvinism is articulated in welfare. We argue that immigration can lead to rise of the far-right where traditional welfare states are larger, regardless of the level of exposure to economic openness—the so called ‘welfare chauvinism’ argument.
Study - Trade Union Strategies in the EU to address voting for right
T1 - Globalization, socio-economic status and welfare chauvinism. T2 - European perspectives on attitudes toward the exclusion of immigrants.
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Dec. 16, 2014.
Tina Goldschmidt (presenting/corresponding author). Department of Sociology
Nov 25, 2018 Welfare chauvinism is the creed of the Le Pens, Matteo Salvini, and Viktor Orbán — and also of Senator Sanders, Donald Trump, and much of
Europe's (Lack of) Welfare Chauvinism: Evidence from Surveys large increases in immigration, I find no significant increase in welfare chauvinistic attitudes.
Gourmet tidning
British Commonwealth citizens have been deprived of their human rights and denied passports, sacked from their jobs, put in detention centres or refused entry and even, it appears, deported.
Feb 22, 2021 Welfare chauvinism is typical for right-wing populist argumentation, but is also used by individual politicians from other parties and by policy
This can be an extension of welfare chauvinist arguments that both excludes on the basis. Page 5.
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Crisis Discourses in Europe: Media EU-phemisms and
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CHAUVINISM ▷ Engelsk Översättning - Exempel På
AU - Sojka, Bozena. PY - 2020/7/24. Y1 - 2020/7/24. N2 - This article argues that the politics and governance of migrants’ rights needs to be reframed.
_____ T1 - Beyond welfare chauvinism and deservingness. T2 - Rationales of belonging as a conceptual framework for the politics and governance of migrants’ rights. AU - Carmel, Emma. AU - Sojka, Bozena. PY - 2020/7/24. Y1 - 2020/7/24.