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So, who is MTI? And what does it do? Did Mirror Trading International CEO Johan Steynberg assets get seized? Find out what's going on in this latest Mirror Trading International news.In my orig I see its being run by Johann Steynberg. I remember when he was one of the guys promoting and running workshops for the Kipi pyramid scheme in South Africa, where thousands of people unfortunately MTI CEO Johan Steynberg now “missing” - Dec 20th, 2020; MTI CEO Johan Steynberg flees South Africa - Dec 19th, 2020 ~1200 BTC recovered from Mirror Trading International - Mar 31st, 2021; MTI announcement throws CEO and wife under the bus - Dec 23rd, 2020; Cheri Marks accuses FSCA of lying about criminal investigation - Dec 18th, 2020 Steynberg fleeing South Africa, which we’re sure has absolutely nothing to do with the FSCA investigation and open criminal case, is apparently because he had to move MTI’s servers. [15:20] There is a rumor that Johan Steynberg is not in South Africa, that he is in fact abroad in another country. The worries have worsened as the whereabouts of MTI CEO, Johann Steynberg, is now unknown.

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This, they focused, was very implausible and ridiculous. The FSCA cautioned individuals against utilizing MTI’s platform, asserting it didn’t possess the compulsory permit to work and has prompted its current customers to demand quick refunds. Bitcoin scam, Bitcoin withdrawals, FSCA, high court, Johann Steynberg, Law Enforcement, Liquidation, Mirror Trading International (MTI), online bitcoin trading, provisional order, Regulation A South African High Court recently granted a provisional liquidation order against Mirror Trading International (MTI) following an application for relief by two investors who … 2021-01-15 · MTI was started in April of 2019 - about a year after BTC Global imploded - by Johann Steynberg, a businessman from Polokwane. It experienced quick growth last year, allegedly reaching 260 000 members who invested around R9 billion.

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Any information relating to his current location would be appreciated and treated in the strictest of confidence. Since those charges were filed, MTI customers have complained that they can no longer access or withdraw funds they’ve deposited to the platform, and MTI chief executive Johan Steynberg has A South African High Court not too long ago served Mirror Trading International (MTI)’s Johann and Nerina Steynberg with a provisional sequestration order. The court docket’s determination follows a profitable court docket application by the 5 joint provisional liquidators of the now-defunct on-line bitcoin scam. Sequestration Not Final According to a report, the order was … “This video/document was prepared and released by The Satoshi Show Inc. in its personal capacity.

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Johan steynberg mti

As per the email; The latest decision has seen provisional sequestration granted against Johann and Nerina Steynberg. Johann Steynberg (right) is believed to be a puppet executive, working with MTI’s real owners Cheri and Clynton Marks. Nerina is his wife. As reported by Jan Vermeulen of My Broadband; Less than twenty-four hours after claiming CEO Johan Steynberg was abroad working on servers, Mirror Trading International now claims they haven’t heard from him since December 14th. The revelation was made via an email sent out to MTI affiliates a few hours ago. As per the email; Steynberg’s disappearance follows a raid by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) and it issuing a warning to the public to avoid getting involved in MTI. The FSCA opened a criminal case In a video update published earlier today, Mirror Trading International affiliates have confirmed CEO Johan Steynberg has fled South Africa. As per an MTI “Team Prime” video shared on Vimeo (which has since been redacted), information presented ‘is as shared by Cheri MTI’s head of communications.’ Johann Steynberg, born 13 July 1983, is the only listed director (as per the current records on and the CEO of Mirror Trading International.

Johan steynberg mti

· The company claims to generate consistent returns of about 10% per month.
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Johan steynberg mti

There is a head office in Stellenbosch, South Africa and two official members operated offices in Johannesburg and Strand. Growing your Bitcoin is at the very heart of Mirror Trading International.

Find out what's going on in this latest Mirror Trading International news.In my orig I see its being run by Johann Steynberg. I remember when he was one of the guys promoting and running workshops for the Kipi pyramid scheme in South Africa, where thousands of people unfortunately MTI CEO Johan Steynberg now “missing” - Dec 20th, 2020; MTI CEO Johan Steynberg flees South Africa - Dec 19th, 2020 ~1200 BTC recovered from Mirror Trading International - Mar 31st, 2021; MTI announcement throws CEO and wife under the bus - Dec 23rd, 2020; Cheri Marks accuses FSCA of lying about criminal investigation - Dec 18th, 2020 Steynberg fleeing South Africa, which we’re sure has absolutely nothing to do with the FSCA investigation and open criminal case, is apparently because he had to move MTI’s servers. [15:20] There is a rumor that Johan Steynberg is not in South Africa, that he is in fact abroad in another country. The worries have worsened as the whereabouts of MTI CEO, Johann Steynberg, is now unknown.
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Apologies to all members for the lack of communication – MTI Management and leaders have not The FSCA’s most prominent concern was that MTI by Johan Steynberg was promising its clients returns of as much as 10% consistently. This, they centered, was truly doubtful and ludicrous. The FSCA advised people against using MTI’s foundation, stating it didn’t have the necessary license to work and has incited its present clients to request fast refunds. 2021-04-07 · Tag: Johann Steynberg.

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As per the email; Johann Steynberg, born 13 July 1983, is the only listed director (as per the current records on and the CEO of Mirror Trading International. In an unexpected turn of events, the management team at Mirror Trading International (MTI) now suggest that their CEO Johann Steynberg may have exit scammed. The team alleges that Steynberg, now believed to be in Brazil, has locked out key management staff from accessing MTI’s account with a local bank. In a video update published earlier today, Mirror Trading International affiliates have confirmed CEO Johan Steynberg has fled South Africa.

Steynberg, who was issued a cease and desist order alongside three other individuals who reside in the United States, also says he is in correspondence with TSSB on this matter. Johann Steynberg (right) is believed to be a puppet executive, working with MTI’s real owners Cheri and Clynton Marks. Nerina is his wife. As reported by Jan Vermeulen of My Broadband; The court order, which MyBroadband has seen, was handed down by Judge President Ephraim Makgoba on 13 April after the provisional liquidators of MTI applied They will then have to be aggregated to see what is left of the estimated 23 000 bitcoin sent by investors to MTI. The founder and CEO of MTI, Johann Steynberg, reportedly fled to Brazil in early 2.3m members in the CryptoCurrency community.