How to grow smarter - POLIS Network


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The project is part of a large EU framework program for Research and Innovation called Horizon 2020. Bye bye Barcelona! Good meetings, good company, and (mostly) good food. Been involved in the 6th General Assembly for the EU H2020 project Growsmarter.

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EU’s H2020 GrowSmarter Project: M. Hakosalo, J-U. Sjögren (Stokcholms stad), H. Matero, S. Wallander (Stockholmshem) Colleagues at Saint-Gobain: O. Samin, J.-B. Racaud, V. Loison, A. Mazzucco Johann Meulemans Saint-Gobain Research Paris 39 quai Lefranc F-93303 Aubervilliers France Tel: +33 6 63 79 62 94 Email: The H2020 programme in clear and simply facts and figures. GrowSmarter. Within the project GrowSmarter this organization got in touch with: role cy shortname I EU-projektet GrowSmarter implementeras 12 smarta lösningar som bidrar till energieffektiv renovering av byggnader, integrerad infrastruktur och urbana mobi Horizon 2020 is the financial instrument implementing the Innovation Union, a Europe 2020 flagship initiative aimed at securing Europe's global competitiveness..


Reference framework Barcelona is one of three lighthouse cities that are integrating different solutions for a smart city in energy, infrastructure and transport within the GrowSmarter project. This project, which brings together 3 cities and different industries to integrate and demonstrate the 12 solutions for a city to become intelligent in energy, infrastructure and transport (currently In a rapidly urbanising world cities need to become smarter to respond to citizen needs and to reduce their environmental footprint.


H2020 growsmarter

Good meetings, good company, and (mostly) good food. Been involved in the 6th General Assembly for the EU H2020 project Growsmarter. användes på ett av Stockholmshems flerbostadshus i EU H2020 GrowSmarter project.

H2020 growsmarter

h2020,growsmarter,scc-01-2014,carrier transport ab(se),municipio do porto(pt),cork city council(ie),kungliga tekniska hoegskolan(se),anteverti consulting sl(es),ampido gmbh(de),retevision i sa(es),endesa sa(es),lassila & tikanoja fm ab(se),schneider electric industries sas(fr),institut municipal d'informatica de barcelona(es),stattauto koeln gesellschaft fuer car sharing mbh(de),edistribucion About This is a European project that forms part of the Horizon 2020 (H2020) Programme, a research and innovation programme launched and financed by the European Union for the period 2014-2020, aimed at applying a combination of technologies geared towards energy savings, reducing environmental impact and improving quality of life in Smart City environments. After 5 years deploying smart energy solutions in three European cities (Barcelona, Cologne and Stockholm), the H2020 GrowSmarter project is now coming to an end. It is therefore time to share the lessons learnt from the implementation of real demonstrators. GrowSmarter GrowSmarter 646456 Programme: H2020 Energy Topic: SCC-01-2014 Call for proposals: H2020-SCC-2014 Duration: 01/01/2015 to 31/12/2019 Funding scheme: GrowSmarter kicked off on 1 January 2015 and runs until 31 December 2019. For more information, visit the project website or follow us on Twitter @EUGrowSmarter.
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H2020 growsmarter

As part of the European Union Horizon 2020 project, Growsmarter, Stockholm has been one of the lighthouse cities leading the way for smart  GrowSmarter. Ongoing.

November 13th, 2017. Network analysis. This organization collaborated with partners in 18 countries.
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Stockholm tar hjälp av Sweco i satsning på smarta städer

GrowSmarter, RemoUrban and Triangulum share the results obtained after five years project GrowSmarter, RemoUrban and Triangulum projects, co-financed by the H2020 programme (SCC1 European Call for Smart Cities and Communities) conclude their period of activity after five years of work in the field of smart cities. Colaboración público-privada en GrowSmarter . O proceso de colaboración entre a Agència de l'Habitatge de Catalunya e Naturgy permitiu oficializar a compatibilidade das subvencións GrowSmarter coas Axudas para a rehabilitación de vivendas e edificios 2016, publicadas polo Consorci de l'Habitatge de Barcelona. The H2020 programme in clear and simply facts and figures.

World Cities Day Conference. Site visit to Barcelona 22@ district.