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5,723 likes · 5 talking about this. We're the Bocconi University Office in charge of incoming exchange students. We answer to your doubts and Bocconi grants Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and PhD degrees in Management, Economics, Law and other disciplines. It also offers a number of post-experience programs, and administers hundreds of advanced courses to managers and professionals in all realms of private and public management. Università Bocconi, Milano (Milan, Italy). 104,303 likes · 1,140 talking about this. Bocconi, founded in 1902, is among the leading European universities specialized in the Social Sciences, with an Università Bocconi, Milano (Milan, Italy).
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27.02.2012 MBA Master Class: Il ruolo dei network sociali nello sviluppo manageriale - CastellucciPer scoprire tutto su SDA Bocconi: Bocconi Milano in Festa. 125 likes. Event Planner. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page.
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In addition to being the business and financial capital of Italy, Milano is also ideally located in the heart of Europe.
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Cartier We are pleased to announce that #Cartier has committed to sponsor the SDA Bocconi Executive Live the new Campus Milano is a crossroads of international culture, management, design and architecture.
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We're the Bocconi University Office in charge of incoming exchange students. We answer to your doubts and Bocconi grants Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and PhD degrees in Management, Economics, Law and other disciplines. It also offers a number of post-experience programs, and administers hundreds of advanced courses to managers and professionals in all realms of private and public management.
2020-03-17 · Program Structure - Bocconi University Milan In the first year students are provided with the fundamental concepts of International Management through core courses and seminars that all feature a highly interactive methodology and are largely based on individual work as well as teamwork. L'università commerciale Luigi Bocconi è oggi un punto di riferimento scientifico e culturale nelle scienze economiche, manageriali, quantitative, giuridiche. Il Rotman-SDA Bocconi Global Executive MBA (Master in Business Administration) è un programma modulare di general management, in inglese, della durata di 18 mesi, rivolto a professionisti e manager esperti che desiderano integrare le esperienze già acquisite sul campo con le conoscenze e gli strumenti necessari per affermarsi sul piano internazionale e progredire nel proprio percorso MAMA is a full-time, international, one-year program that aims to support artistic innovation and cultural development worldwide, by strengthening the leader Bocconi University was founded in 1902 by Ferdinando Bocconi and was named after his son, who died in the Battle of Adwa during the First Italo-Ethiopian War. The university was originally affiliated with the Politecnico di Milano engineering school and incorporated a teaching model that was based on what was in use at the École Supérieure of Antwerp.