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Hi-Lo Jack is a collaboration between three friends from different musical worlds. With their first release, Old New Clothes, Clyde Lawrence (of soul-pop band Lawrence), Cody Fitzgerald (of indie-rock band Stolen Jars), and Dolapo Akinkugbe (aka rapper/producer DAP The Contract) come together to create a project that merges their distinct sounds.. With wide-ranging influences from Outkast to jack definition: 1. a piece of equipment that can be opened slowly under a heavy object such as a car in order to…. Learn more.

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n. 1. often Jack Informal and a grizzled male creature, the "Jack" of the little causeway, who was as slimy and smeary as if he had been low-water mark too. View in context " Jack Dollop, a 'hore's-bird of a fellow we had here as milker Lojack Lo-Jack car Security Decals Stickers Theft Deterrent GPS Tracking. 4.4 out of 5 stars 81.

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It was frequently used in fairy tales and nursery rhymes, such as Jack and the Beanstalk, Little Jack Horner, and Jack Sprat. American writers Jack London (1876-1916) and Jack Kerouac (1922-1969) were two famous bearers of this name.

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Lo jack meaning

Lojack Inside, Vinyl Car Decal, Multiple Colors', 5-by-5 inches' $7.99 $ 7. 99. $3.75 shipping. Lojack Lo-Jack car Security Decals Stickers Theft Deterrent GPS Tracking. Definition of jack in the Idioms Dictionary. jack phrase. What does jack expression mean?

Lo jack meaning

A small transceiver that sends a signal to the police cars within three to five miles of a stolen automobile. Toyota Motor Italy, a subsidiary of Toyota Motor Corporation (NYSE: TM), has collaborated with LoJack Italia, a subsidiary of CalAmp (Nasdaq: CAMP) focused on stolen vehicle recovery and innovative automotive services. 'Lowjack' is the term used to imply that someone has you on an electronic leash.
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Lo jack meaning

On the Retirement Date,  Jan 15, 2018 Hi-Lo Jack is a brand new collaboration made up of Dolapo. the EP finds its meaning in things that are left behind: college, friends, significant  Officers must remember this when responding to or tracking a signal. II. LoJack Vehicle Recovery System. The LoJack system is typically sold to a consumer at the  What does absolute-lojack mean? A theft recovery service for laptops from Absolute Software Corporation, Vancouver, BC, Canada (www.absolute.com) that c As you've probably noticed, the slang synonyms for "lojack" are listed above.

2. The LoJack company has  Dec 18, 2019 LoJack is a small, silent Radio Transceive that is hidden in your vehicle by a certified LoJack technician. Once installed, the Unit is automatically  High-low-jack definition, all fours (def. 2).
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The LoJack acronym/abbreviation definition. The LoJack meaning is system for locating stolen vehicles/items. The definition of LoJack by AcronymAndSlang.com A common cause of false LoJack Early Warning™ calls is a low battery in your Key Pass. The battery required for your Key Pass is a Lithium watch battery, size 2032.

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The ankle bracelet used as a tracking device worn by those under house arrest. Hop on to get the meaning of LoJack acronym / slang / Abbreviation. The Business & Finance Acronym / Slang LoJack means AcronymsAndSlang. The LoJack acronym/abbreviation definition. The LoJack meaning is system for locating stolen vehicles/items. The definition of LoJack by AcronymAndSlang.com A common cause of false LoJack Early Warning™ calls is a low battery in your Key Pass. The battery required for your Key Pass is a Lithium watch battery, size 2032.

The LoJack System has +90%  Aug 29, 2016 LoJack is an advanced stolen vehicle recovery system that helps you find your vehicle after theft. Dec 1, 2013 In over 25 years of use, LoJack has also become a generic term encompassing all vehicle tracking and recovery systems. Similarly, it's like  High-low-jack definition is - an all-fours game in which scores are made by winning the highest trump, the lowest trump, the jack of trumps, and either the ten of  lojack in a sentence - Use lojack in a sentence and its meaning 1.