Per-Gunnar Johansson


Johanna Karlsson

Encyklopedia PWN. Borchgrevink. [bọrkrewiŋk]. Carsten Eggeberg Wymowa , ur. 1 XII 1864, Oslo, zm. 23 IV 1934, tamże,. Carsten Borchgrevink by Russell Jesse from Only Genuine Products.

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Carsten Egeberg Borchgrevink (1. desember 1864 – 21. april 1934) var ein norsk polarforskar og oppdagingsreisande. Carsten Borchgrevink was an ambitious Anglo-Norwegian living in Australia who had previously sailed to Cape Adare in the Ross Sea region of Antarctica on a Norwegian whaling expedition. Born in Oslo in 1864 to a Norwegian father and an English mother, Carsten Borchgrevink emigrated to Australia in 1888, where he worked as a land surveyor in the interior before accepting a provincial schoolteaching appointment in New South Wales. Carsten Borchgrevink’s expedition erected two huts, the living hut and the stores hut. Both measured just 5.5×6.5 metres each – a very small space for 10 men to live in for a year.

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Born Dec. 1,1864, in Christiania; died there on Apr. 23, 1934. Norwegian explorer.

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Carsten borchgrevink

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Carsten borchgrevink

Carsten Eggeberg Borchgrevink (1.
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Carsten borchgrevink

Borchgrevink har Carsten Borchgrevink studerte 1884-87 ved forstakademiet i Tharandt i Sachsen.I 1888 utvandret han til Australia hvor han blant annet var landmåler, før han i 1893 ble lærer i språk og naturfag ved en presbyteriansk skole i New South Wales. Carsten Borchgrevink vokste opp i Christiania, men etter farens død i 1884 dro han til Tyskland hvor han studerte i tre år ved forstakademiet i Tharandt i Sachsen.Etter studiene utvandret han i 1888 til Australia og kildene er usikre angående hva han egentlig gjorde de første årene.

Carsten Egeberg Borchgrevink (født 1. desember 1864 i Christiania, død 21.

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"Carsten Borchgrevink" på Arkivkopia

Carsten Borchgrevink On paper, the achievements of Carsten Egeberg Borchgrevink are extraordinary. Not only had his party over-wintered on the Antarctic ice in 1899 – the first ever humans to do so – but they had celebrated Christmas there, greeting the new year and the new century as the most geographically isolated beings on the entire planet. Carsten Borchgrevink : biography 1 December 1864 – 21 April 1934 Whaling voyage The expedition that Borchgrevink joined was organised by Henryk Bull, a Norwegian businessman and entrepreneur who, like Borchgrevink, had settled in Australia in the late 1880s. Bull planned to make a sealing and whaling voyage into Antarctic waters. After failing to interest […] Carsten Borchgrevink is on Facebook.

Per-Gunnar Johansson

Both measured just 5.5×6.5 metres each – a very small space for 10 men to live in for a year. The third hut, built by the Northern Party, was a small hut modelled on the same pattern as the larger hut at Cape Evans.

Carsten Egeberg Borchgrevink was born on December 1, 1864 in Christiania, today’s Oslo. At the end of the 19th century, he devoted himself intensively to Antarctic research and in 1895 he was one of the first people to enter the Antarctic mainland. Borchgrevink died in Oslo on 23 April 1934 at the age of 79. Carsten Egeberg Borchgrevink (1. desember 1864 – 21. april 1934) var ein norsk polarforskar og oppdagingsreisande.