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jättebra. English Translation. great. More meanings for jättebra. jim-dandy adjective.
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Translation of the word jättebra from swedish to english, with synonyms, antonyms, verb conjugation, pronunciation, anagrams, examples of use. Dictionary: jättebra. You are using the old version of this site.
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Here's what it means. ser bra ut mean in Swedish?
Their bed Redalen was found to sound too close to the word for ‘third base’ when pronounced in Thai, and plant pot Jattebra, a world which ironically means ‘really good’ in Swedish, sounds like a slang word for sex. Earlier in the year we also covered on our blog the backlash over Ikea’s catalogue in Saudi Arabia. IKEA bed Redalen was found to sound ‘uncomfortably close’ to the word for third base when pronounced in Thai, and plant pot Jattebra, a world which ironically means ‘really good’ in Swedish, sounds
For example, Jattebra, which is the product name of a potted plant, sounds similar to the Thai slang term which means sex.
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Jättebra in english in swedish-english dictionary
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Swedish to English translation results for 'jättebra' designed for tablets and mobile devices. Possible languages include English, Dutch, German, French, Spanish, and Swedish. The Journal found that 'Redalen' the name of an Ikea bed, 'sounds uncomfortably close to getting to third base in Thailand,' and 'Jattebra' - a grey plant pot - 'could sound like slang for sex'. Jätte bra eller jättebra? Hur stavas det? Det rätta svaret är att det stavas jättebra..